Life in Flow: Tools for a Flow Mindset

“The idea is that flowing water never goes stale, so just keep on flowing.” — Bruce Lee
Life is always in flow, in a state of flux. Things are constantly evolving and changing. It’s important to reflect on how often you are allowing change in life to cause you stress, worry, and anxiety. These feelings are normal, but if you are staying with these emotions regularly and don’t have the capacity to ‘let go’ and slow the racing mind, your fight or flight response takes over. When this happens, it gives you less access to the empathetic, creative, and analytical parts of the brain. Those that are the most essential to navigating challenging times.
Understanding living your life in FLOW.
Flow is a mental state where you are fully absorbed, focused, and involved in an activity, resulting in a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment. This can be easy to tap into when you are doing something you love or engaging in a creative outlet. A state of FLOW can also be about an alternative way of looking at your reality. A way that allows you to remain in the present, with clarity and confidence instead of in a state of worry or regret. There is a feeling of “rightness” about what is occurring in your life, that is often accompanied with positive emotions of excitement, inspiration, appreciation, curiosity, and awe. Above all, it is full of meaning.
The Benefits of Flow
Living in a state of flow offers many benefits to all aspects of your life:
- Enhanced Productivity: You accomplish more in less time due to heightened focus and efficiency.
- Improved Skill Development: Engaging in challenging activities pushes you to develop and refine your skills.
- Greater Creativity: Flow allows for creative problem-solving and innovative thinking.
- Increased Satisfaction: The intrinsic joy and fulfillment derived from flow contribute to overall life satisfaction.
How to achieve life in flow and adopt this growth mindset when faced with stressful situations:
‘Go with the flow.’
It may seem like a cliché statement, but it can be an exhilarating motto to live by. Learning to detach emotionally from things you cannot control is a powerful tool. This often comes down to ego and is a skill most must work at. As humans, it is in our nature to be in control of what is going on around us. It is often ego, that leads you to believe someone else’s emotions or responses to a situation are dependent on you. It’s important to be able to take a step back, see the big picture, and make better decisions with clarity. Accept things as they are and go with the flow, staying focused on your own purpose and needs. Accept that you can only control how you react to a situation.
Develop a growth mindset.
Your thoughts feed into your fears. These thoughts tell your brain that something is going to go wrong. Most of the time, your thoughts tell you all sorts of things that are an over-exaggeration. Learn to let go of fears and worry and accept the changes that come your way without trying to control them. Use these new complexities as guidance. Ask yourself what you have to learn from this situation before reacting to it. Flow and be fluid. There is often an opportunity for growth here. This is where perspective and adopting a growth mindset opens doors to a life of greater joy and balance.
Develop your wellness toolkit.
One of the best ways to stay calm under pressure and be in the flow, is having the ability to quiet the mind and calm the body. This is the only way to truly tap into a healthier mindset or a positive perspective. This is where your WELLNESS TOOLKIT comes in handy. Having as many healthy habits and practices as possible to call on in any situation sets you up for a LIFE IN FLOW. Make your curated list by reflecting on all things that keep you in the present. Here is a list of inspiration to get you going:
- Exercise
- Pet therapy
- Preparing a healthy meal
- ME time
- Cup of hot tea
- Doodling
- Weighted blanket
- Walking in nature
- Reading a book
- Good sleep
- Making a to-do list
- Taking a hot bath
- Organizing
- Laughing
- Relaxing by the water
- Change of scenery
- Planning a trip or outing
- Watching a favorite TV show
- Smiling or giving a compliment
- Progressive muscle relaxation exercises
- Adult coloring books
- Gardening
- Cuddling
- Looking at photos
- Calling a friend
- Dancing or singing
- Taking the scenic route
- Turning off technology
- Yoga or stretching
- Playing cards or board games
- Journaling
- Scented candles
- Meditation/ prayer/ spiritual reflection
- Creating your own spa day
Work the tools in your toolbox often to stay in a state of FLOW. It’s about finding balance, challenging yourself, and continuously seeking activities that engage your mind and spirit. By understanding and embracing the principles of flow, you can transform your everyday experiences into opportunities for growth, joy, and fulfillment.