Adopt A ‘Healthy Eater’ Attitude

Eating healthy should not feel like a chore or a punishment. Change is hard, but the first step is to accept that it should be more of a mindset and less about sticking to an exact diet. So often healthy eating makes most think about all the foods and drinks they should be restricting rather than a forward focus which aligns with your ideals and goals. Let go of the diet trap for good and adopt an ‘I am a healthy eater’ attitude.

In a world full of tempting choices and quick fixes it is far too easy to get distracted from what a nutritious diet should be. If you want to be a leader in the workplace, a competitive athlete in your sport, or a great parent you must go after it with the right tools, knowledge, can-do attitude, and confidence. It is no different where nutrition is concerned. You must adopt a positive healthy eating outlook, focusing on all the wonderful benefits good nutrition can offer to you.

How to Discover Your Healthy Eater Mindset:

  1. Find your WHY. Start with finding as many meaningful reasons good nutrition is important to you. What are your reasons for wanting to eat healthy? This must go beyond a number on the scale. Dig deeper and reflect on what would be different in all areas of your life if your eating habits improved. Reflect on this frequently to keep your ‘whys’ on the forefront.
  • Stack your nutrition goals with other areas of life. This will reaffirm your ‘why’ and help you to stay with a positive mindset around your eating. For instance, would you better meet your financial goals by also having less food waste and dining out less? Or perhaps you are concerned with sustainability and food production of our meat sources. Align your eating goals by exploring more meatless meals and taking more control over how the foods you eat are sourced and prepared.
  • Educate yourself. Knowledge is power when it comes to adopting a healthy eater attitude. Learn about the nutritional value of different foods, understand portion control, and familiarize yourself with the benefits of a balanced diet. Stay informed about the latest nutritional research, but also be cautious of fad diets. Aim for long-term, sustainable changes rather than quick fixes.
  • Build confidence. Sometimes you must fake it until you make it. Instead of letting the mind go to the need to be on a diet or the foods you can’t have, try changing the message in your head. Begin to view yourself as a person who loves to eat great and feel great. Try a mantra like ‘I love nutritious foods that give me the right fuel my body needs.’ Or ‘I love being a healthy eater and a great example to my children…Choosing healthy is a way of life for me.’
  • Practice self-compassion. Developing a ‘healthy eater’ attitude involves being kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over occasional indulgences or setbacks. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and view challenges as opportunities for growth. Cultivating a positive mindset contributes significantly to a sustainable, healthy relationship with food.
  • Eat more mindfully and with gratitude. This single habit can truly shift negative emotional ties you may have to eating to a healthier mindset. Slow down, take the time to learn or reflect on how the food got to your plate. Say grace or give gratitude to all those involved in the process of providing your meal. This can lead to letting go of emotional or stress eating and shifting to a mindset of proper nourishment and longevity.

Adopting that ‘I am a healthy eater’ attitude is an approach that goes beyond calorie counting and restrictive diets. You can foster a positive relationship with food that nourishes both your body and mind. Remember, it’s not about perfection but making consistent, positive choices that contribute to your overall well-being.

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