3 min read

Whether you are trying to reach your goal for the steps challenge, increase your fitness level or improve your energy, changing up your walking routine can give you the jump start you need. 

Boost your walking routine with these simple yet rewarding goals: 

Untitled design (2) (1)Set a weekly goal and plan: Start your week with a minimum step or distance walking goal. (For example, an average of at least 8,000 steps a day or a total of 9 miles this week.) Then look ahead at your calendar and make a plan for your workout times. What days do you have time for longer walks? On busier days, where can you squeeze in 1 or 2 short, brisk walks.

Walk your fastest mile each week: Time at least one-mile during your walks and record your average time. On your next walking session, make it a goal to finish your mile 5-10 seconds faster. Continue this each week, working to improve your 1-mile time by at least 5 seconds each week. With this small goal and focus, you may be surprised how much faster you could be pacing your walks. Even if you do this faster pace for just a few miles each week, you can experience improved cardiovascular conditioning, boosting your fitness level.

Walk somewhere new each week: Beat exercise boredom by changing your scenery some of the time. Getting out of your neighborhood and exploring a new trail or hike can help keep your exercise routine fresh and motivating. The weekends can be an ideal time to plan this. Driving to a new location at least once a week can make your exercise time go by faster and the different terrain can boost your workout intensity and results. Get creative and combine this with your 'Fitness Meets Adventure' challenge destination each week.
Untitled design (1) (1)Buddy up for your walks: A motivated partner can help keep you on track on days you are tempted to hit the skip button. It’s also a great way to be more social. Enlist your spouse, join a walking club, walk your dog, reach out to a co-worker or make it a family event occasionally. Don’t forget about virtual walking meetings. Schedule your buddy walks like any other important appointment. You and a friend can grab your earbuds and keep each other going from a distance.

Set up an indoor workout area: There is the ‘easy-out’ excuse of weather on almost any given week of the year. Rain, cold and time change are top reasons folks get thrown off their walking or exercise routines. Instead of skipping your walk, use your designated area to do an alternative workout. Print out or create a few quick go-to circuits or have your favorite Yoga or exercise video on hand for those days you can’t get your outdoor sessions in.
Untitled design (3)Go for a mindful walk once a week: While a dedicated walking routine can certainly have many physical benefits, it also provides great mental health benefits. Once or twice a week, make it a goal to get rid of distractions, disconnect and concentrate more on the meditative experience while you walk.
Good luck and bon voyage to all our Fitness Meets Adventure Step Challengers! Have fun exploring your new destination each week and get in touch with our team if you need any additional support along the way.

Contact SB Wellness Group if you want more information on this and other employee challenges we can offer for your group. 

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