Organizing Your Way to a Healthier Life

4 min read

Want an organized and clean home? Do you long for a more efficient workspace or office?

Although getting organized is possible, it may feel like you will never find the time and energy to get it all done. That may be your answer and first step. Realizing and accepting that it isn’t realistic to get your home and work completely organized or ‘Home Edited’ all at once. Taking small steps to improve and starting in key areas can lead to big improvements to your life and to your overall well-being.

There is no denying that getting organized is a key step to reaching your goals. So why do you continue to put up with constant disorder at home, in your schedules or in your work? Do you feel too overwhelmed to begin or perhaps believe being organized has to resemble perfectionism? Organization is not about perfecting things. Life is unpredictable at times and it’s impossible to keep all areas organized perfectly all the time. Prioritize and start with the areas that are going to most benefit you right now.

What will have the greatest impact on creating more calm and less chaos in your life right now? Still not sure where to begin?

There are some suggested areas that we feel will have the greatest impact on both your physical and mental health. One of the greatest benefits to living a more organized life is that you allow more room for healthier habits and lifestyle. When you are better managing your schedule and responsibilities you leave room and energy for things like healthy eating, mental clarity and physical activity.

Stop feeling overwhelmed with your work and your home and start taking control in these areas first to enhance your energy and motivation:

Your Kitchen and Fridge: Stress is the number one reason people tend to overeat and crave tempting junk foods. If the place you are expected to make good food choices and cook is messy and unorganized, you are adding a layer of resistance to healthy eating. Spend some time cleaning out your pantry and fridge, making it an easier flow and process when selecting snacks and preparing meals. Eliminate excess things from your kitchen space like work, bills or homework. Find a new space for anything that may cause you to feel anxious or be distracted. Make your kitchen your new happy place.

Your Morning Routine: If your morning routine is hectic, it will set the pace and the tone for the rest of your day. What can you adjust, eliminate or change to make things go smoother? What would make you feel more energized and excited to face your day ahead. Set your coffee pot, put your clothes out the night before or wake up a little earlier to give yourself a few minutes to focus on your goals. Create a positive morning routine. Wake up at the same time every day and dedicate at least 10 minutes to a mindfulness practice. Prayer, Yoga, journaling, exercise, or meditation are just a few examples that will get you in a good mindset for the day.

Your Workstation: If you are struggling to get your work completed or feeling distracted, you may need to clear the junk in order to clear your head. Keeping your desk or home office tidy will save you a lot of time, help you remain highly productive, and ultimately position you for greater feelings of success. You may begin to feel more comfortable with taking active breaks during your workday or have energy after work to get more done towards your personal goals. Take some time to organize your workspace and your work schedule. Clear out any items that you don’t need to access daily. Put a system in place to track and prioritize your tasks and your appointments. Make it visible at all times. This will make you feel more in control and help you focus clearly, as well as pinpoint areas that may require more of your attention.

Your Avenue to Exercise: Whether you are going to a gym or doing your workouts at home, keep your plan and your space organized and clear of distraction. Keep a well packed gym bag with a back up of everything you may need to get a workout. No more skipped workouts because you forgot your tennis shoes or sports bra. Maybe you are going to be held late at work and that backup pair in your car is your only solution to getting in a lunchtime walk or circuit workout at a park on your way home. Staying physically active is not about perfection but consistency. Make an inviting and clean space in your home if that is where you will be working out. Put up a motivational poster or chart to track your progress. Think like an elementary teacher who prepares and decorates her classroom to make learning inviting and fun for children. What will motivate and invite you to take that time for yourself each day?

Whatever project you choose, make it small and manageable, with a clear beginning and end. Do one project at a time. Move from one small project to the next small project each day so that you feel a sense of accomplishment, which in turns fuels more motivation to keep going. Take back control over your life so you can make room for greater growth and renewed energy.

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